Brochure Soft Seated Butterfly Valves - page 2

B-2231-UK-11-2013-REV. C
PN16 Rated
CE Approved
Long Service
Reduced Torque
Unique Seat Wave Line
Unique Bushing System
Perfect Turning & Centric Positioning
What is important to you, when you buy Soft Seated Butter-
fly Valves? What about: Long life span? Reduced torque? PN16
rated? Unique seat wave line? Unique bushing system? Perfect
turning & centric positioning?
Soft Seated Butterfly Valves from Dansk Ventil Center are charac-
terized by their long service and reduced torque. The Soft Seated
Butterfly Valves are available in a wide range of dimensions.
With Dansk Ventil Center as
your business partner, you are
always guaranteed a wide and
well sorted product range and
a unique technical know-how
Product development is a key
factor for DVC, ensuring you
the best products at any time
Know-how makes the difference
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